
Sublime Text2成为你下一个IDE的9个理由


最近项目有重大改动,从Meteor 框架转移到java上面来,之前用的Sublime要不要换呢?

Posted by Maggi Trymbill on October 4, 2011 · Leave a Comment

If you haven’t been living under an internet rock for the past 2 weeks you should know about Sublime Text 2 already, the best IDE out there at the moment. Well, to be fair, I didn’t know about it 2 weeks ago (after reading an article on Tuts Plus) and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t, at the time this is written, reached the popularity it deserves. Let me list up 9 reasons (why 9? why not 10? shut up! your not the boss of me! (unless you are, and then ‘Hi Gunni!’)) to help you decide if Sublime Text 2 is worth switching over to.
Switching IDE’s is nothing like switching underpants. EOD!
- Maggi Trymbill
1) Any OS Goes
I personally love the way Textmate looks and works, but that’s only for the Mac. While I used Windows I tried E Texteditor, which was suppose to be Textmate for Windows, but wasn’t. I then used the only non-java IDE I could find with built-in support for Python and found Komodo. That soon got bloated so I started searching again and found Sublime Text. To my surprise it’s available for every OS and it isn’t flawed on Linux like most of the IDE’s I’ve tried that say they work on every OS. So, any OS goes!
2) Textmate Bundles Friendly
Just like with E Texteditor, Sublime Text is Textmate bundles friendly. This means you can run through, for an example, the whole directory of awesome themes available for Textmate and use them with Sublime Text. Snippets also work well and this opens up a can of whoop ass for awesomeness.
3) It Looks Awesome

Need I say more?
By the way; I’m using the Twilight color scheme (included) and the Soda Dark theme. Looks cool, right?
4) It’s Superman-Fast
File switching, function crawling and jumping to lines is so quick I feel I’m cheating some law of physics when doing it. There must be some kind of magic dust in there that enables this, or perhaps, it’s simply because it’s not running on java (yes, I went there!). I haven’t used the folder tree for 6 months now since Komodo, the IDE I used before, had really nice quick-open functionality. Sublime Text takes that whole concept to another level.
Through a single keyboard shortcut (ctrl/cmd + P) I can access all the files in my project, even though the project holds over 50k files and Sublime Text doesn’t even show the slightest sign of hiccuping. With another keyboard shortcut (ctrl/cmd + shift + P) I can also access all my snippets, functions within Sublime Text, install packages, etc. It takes me away from my mouse, and I love it!
5) Package Control
A guy with the name of Bond, Will Bond (he probably doesn’t get enough of that) created this amazing package control add-on to Sublime Text. It simplifies the task of finding, installing and maintaining packages available for Sublime Text and makes it idiot proof and quick.
6) Side by Side Editing
I’ve never been a big fan of side by side editing. Probably because I’ve never seen the need to use it.

After I started using Sublime Text I messed around with all the features it’s got and I found the split screen editing works really well. It’s smooth and lean and with the zoomed out overview (a.k.a. Minimap) on the left hand side it becomes much more visual. Which brings me to my next reason …
7) The Minimap
The Minimap is a fantastic tool. It gives you an at a glance overview of the file you’re looking at. If you’re searching for something within the file, you can see the phrase highlighted in the Minimap also, giving you a sense of how many instances there are of that phrase or word. It also makes scrolling directly to a function you know very well easy, from 10,000 feet away, since you know the layout of the code around it. That being said, I’d always use the keyboard shortcut ctrl/cmd + R to access definitions / functions quickly.
8) Distraction Free Mode
I know this is a minor feature and a simple one to say the least, but it’s one of the reasons I love Sublime Text.

It simply throws away everything, except my code. But, how do you access the folder tree then?! You don’t. But, how do you see a list of all the definitions or functions in the file that is open?! You don’t. But, how do you get out of it?! You don … oh wait sorry, yeah that’s simple, shift + F11. With the super fast quick-open feature built in Sublime Text, this way of coding has become the way to go for me.
9) It’s Not Finished
Sublime Text 2 isn’t finished and I think that is definitely a good thing but might also turn out to be a bad thing. If the development of this awesome IDE keeps going in this direction, it’s easily going to replace Textmate, E Texteditor and other competitors in this category of the IDE market. But my concern is that it might get bloated, since keeping an IDE feature rich but at the same time fast and minimalist hasn’t been accomplished yet. Well except for VIM, but we’re not going into that discussion now.
What Are You Waiting For?
Welcome to the 21st century, IDE’s aren’t bloated, slow nor only for a certain portion of the OS’s out there. Sublime Text 2 is the way to go, it’s got the Trymbill approval stamp (not an official stamp, yet)!


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